HSE Ladder Test & Inspection, Stairs, Walkways & Access Equipment Inspection
Fixed access ladders, steps, walkways & access equipment are essential as they provide staff and contractors with a safe means of access. They are often installed for specifically planned maintenance activities. A Regular HSE ladder inspection checklist and testing are necessary as they fall under the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER), 1998.
The inspection must be carried out by a qualified and competent person who should also record the findings of this inspection. You can significantly reduce the costly downtime by ensuring that the regular test and inspections of work equipment are completed.
This article will deal with ladder inspection mainly.
Fixed Ladder, Temporary Ladder & Ladder Ties Inspection
Fixed and temporary ladders are often used for workplace protection and as such, they fall under the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (P.U.W.E.R) 1998 requiring the “Duty Holder” to make sure that any work equipment satisfies the following conditions;
· They must be suitable for use and designed according to the purpose and conditions for which they are used.
· They must be well-maintained in a safe condition for use to ensure that the people’s health and safety is not at risk.
· They must be inspected at regular intervals to ensure safety in the present and in the future.
· It is the responsibility of the duty holder to ensure that prior to usage, the equipment provided must be inspected by a competent person.
Fixed Ladder Inspection
Fixed ladders are generally formed from steel or aluminium. They are permanently attached to a structure or a building to gain access to places of work, both internally and externally. Wherever they are located, it is vital to ensure the safety of the workers who use them.
The engineers are to inspect ladders, ensuring that the installation complies with the current legislation, checking for parts that may cause an obvious hazard, such as falls, slips, trips, impact damage etc. The fixings will be checked to see if it is secure, and the moving parts to see if they operate correctly, e.g., self-closing gates at the head of the ladder. Each item will be allocated a unique reference number and tagged for the next inspection due date. After the complete ladder inspection, the customer will receive a report on the findings. Hence, you can have complete peace of mind that the ladders are fully compliant and offer maximum safety protection.
Temporary Ladder Inspection
A temporary ladder inspection service must be carried out by trained engineers in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and following the Ladder Association guidelines.
Temporary ladders must be used only for short-duration tasks (not more than 30 minutes at a time), and a risk assessment should be carried out to show that the equipment is offering a higher level of fall protection. Its ineffectiveness should not be justified because of the low risk and short duration of usage; or due to existing workplace features that cannot be altered.
Choose a company that follows a ladder inspection checklist to ensure that your fixed and temporary ladders have the highest level of safety.